Saturday, February 14, 2009

I put some new shoes on...

...and suddenly everything is right.

Is it just me, or do my feet look huge?

The only reason why this is significant is because besides flip flops, these are the first new pair of shoes I've bought in.....a really long time.

These are my Disneyland walkin' shoes :)


Anonymous said...

Miss Corey, your feet do not look big. Long, but not big!

nicole said...

i really need some new shoes like that!!
and I'm also totally not a shoe buyer...i get a pair i like and i wear them until they die and only then get another pair - most of my friends think i'm crazy not to love shoes :)

Melissa said...

i own way to many flip flops also! I SO need to get a new pair of running shoes though....mine are ok, but I need RUNNING shoes, you know?